Tuesday, June 5, 2018

Top 10 Benefits of Losing Weight

Losing weight must not be just a passing fancy. It is more than just about having a hot body or going down a dress size. Losing weight can improve your in hundreds of ways. Losing weight will not only improve your health but it can also have a positive impact on your career, social life, budget, and sex life. If you have few minutes to spare, you can use this to burn some fats paired with a healthy weight loss programs such as phatt weight loss program, you are on your way to your desired weight.
There hundreds of benefits you can get from losing weight and here are the top ten benefits:

1.    Promotes better sleep

According to research, losing 5% of your body weight can help you sleep better. Losing that extra fat in your body can actually help in treating snoring and sleep apnea. Getting better sleep can help you lose weight, and losing weight can promote better sleep.

2.    Promotes better balance on your hormones

Our hormones play a major role in almost every aspect of our health. From the pimples, sex drives to the functions of our vital organs. That is why it is critical to have balance hormones. If you are struggling hormonal imbalance you should start thinking of losing weight. Our thyroid glands produce two major hormones, the T3 (triiodothyronine) and T4 (thyroxine). These two hormones regulate our body temperature, metabolism, and heart rate. It also has an effect on our muscle strength among other things. Losing weight promotes better hormonal balance, the more balance your hormones the better you lose weight. In getting rid of excess body fat, you help your body to have steady hormones, as a result, it will be easier to lose weight further or maintain your desired body weight.

3.    Promotes better sex drive

According to the study conducted by Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism, men who are 5 points above their ideal body mass index – about 30 pounds more than the ideal weight – have testosterone levels of a person 10 years older than his actual age. Testosterone is the hormone that promotes sex drive among men. Also, the research conducted by Duke University Medical Center shows that obese people are 25 times more dissatisfied in their sex life than people with normal weight. According to experts, a simple 10% loss of body weight increases the testosterone levels which causes increased libido. If you want to have better sex drive you should start losing weight now.

4.    Promotes brighter and clearer skin

Weight loss is known to promote clearer and brighter skin. Having glowing skin when you are losing weight can be attributed to healthy food intake. When you are into weight loss you tend to go away from unhealthy food and starts eating nutrients loaded veggies and fruits. Paired with regular exercise, you are literally pushing the toxins out of your body through your pores. The fewer toxins you have in your body the healthier your skin will be.

5.    Less Expense

By eating healthier food you are can save a lot of money from junk food you eat. Cooking healthier food and drinking less (except for water, of course) can help you get closer to your desired weight. It is simple math actually, the less you eat, the less you spend.

6.    Having better wardrobe

One of the biggest perks of losing weight is to be able to wear the dresses you longed to wear. Losing weight can give you the confidence to experiment and wear more stylish clothes.  Buying wardrobes can be easier too.

7.    Send positive vibe at work

Showing the drive to lose weight can send positive vibe at work. Your boss and co-workers may take that as a message that you want to be successful. Getting into your ideal weight promotes confidence, improves the image and increase vitality at work.

8.    Helps to motivate your significant others to lose weight as well

If you are serious about getting rid of extra body fat, it could motivate your partner to do the same. If you are becoming successful in your quest for losing weight, the chances that your partner will follow your suit are higher. You can also influence your friends and family to do the same.

9.    Less pain

Carrying extra weight is detrimental to your joints and bones. The less weight you put in your joints, the less pain you will experience.

10.    You will live longer

Of course, losing weight is not a 100% insurance that you will longer but the odds are on your side if you are living a healthy lifestyle. Weight program such as Phatt program promotes better health and lower your risk of having heart disease, high blood pressure, stroke, type 2 diabetes, and other diseases. Having a healthy lifestyle will lead to healthier and happy life.

1 comment:

  1. This article is really informative. If you are overweight, then you must think about losing weight through Healthy Phatt Living. Keep Posting new tips. I will make sure to read them.
    Also, I have a similar website named phattdietandguthealth. Please let me if there are any suggestions.
